Sunday, September 12, 2010

life is boring at times but very fun at other times.......PSLE is nearing and i am so stress!!!!sometimes i get so stress that i hide in a corner(most probably my bed) and cry......sometimes i play and forget about the stress or talk to my friends!!when PSLE pass,i hope that i would be happy,but not worried about the mistakes and difficulty of the test.HOPE THAT ALL MY FRIENDS ARE WELLY PREPARE FOR PSLE!!!ALL THE BEST!!

Friday, April 16, 2010

y we were born when we will eventually die??

Has anyone ever wonder why we were born when we will die eventually?Well I did and you know what,I think living is a waste of time but at the same time,living can be rather fun!It has been a long time since I written a post on blog.Time flies so fast,now I am already 12 and I am feeling rather stressful.Hope after reading my post,you readers would stop wasting precious time and start caring for one another before it is too late.STOP THINKING AND START DOING!!!

Friday, June 12, 2009


Today,F.I.R too came to my church.They were magnificent,I like their voices!!Their are so cool!!!


Today,Jarod Lee,the winner of campass super star came to my church and sang 2 songs live the crowd loved it.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

sad case

Today,i had a bad day.First,my friend ran away,i chased him till the second floor.i hide behind the pillars for a few seconds and then i opened the hall door,i hold the door like a hook for a few second.suddenly,i saw my friend that ran away.I totally forgotten that my hand was there and i ran as fast as i could.Unfortunately,my hand cracked.It was so loud that i think even the students playing around me could hear the cracking.The next thing that happen today was that,i wanted for my CCA.We had a test,i made a picture of a man(as i need it in the test),but neither did i know that i had spend 30 minutes making that picture and the terrible thing is that i cannot load it and was it in another program.So,i created other pictures in the program and used them for my test and i need to make a new game all over again!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


to live a long life,you must honour your parents and not only them but the people around you even strangers that you do not know

Sunday, January 18, 2009

what a bad day...

First,i went to the market to buy so things.On my way home,my bike's brake spoiled.It stopped the bike's wheel,then i fell.So,i pushed the bike all the way home.Then,i went to my mum's small shop.Hours later,my grandfather called
my mother.She told me that mine uncle had just passed away.When i heard about that,i cried and cried.I took my basketball and ran to the nearest basketball court which was opposite of my mum's shop.I threw my bag aside and started to throw the basketball in to the hole as hard as i could.That was the first time i could throw the ball into the hole for three or more time.I went to the side and sat on my basketball i was thinking about the happy memories i had with my uncle and now i am rushing to malaysia to sent him to heaven.I hope God will bless him.